Chris Metzler writes:
> Paul Surgeon  wrote:
> >
> >  Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> >>
> >> Do the textures stay compressed in video ram, does the texture render
> >> unit render from the compressed texture, or does it have to uncompress
> >> it in video ram before rendering it?
> > 
> > I'm not sure about that - I'll have to makes some inquiries and find out
> > how  video cards actually handle the rendering of compressed textures.
> > There would be no point if all the textures were uncompressed at the
> > same time into VRAM.
> >From
>                       [ snip ]
> } The compressions are not meant to save disk drive space (plenty of it)
> } but to:
> }
> } -reduce the video card memory useage, as since the Geforce2, video
> } cards can directly render a compressed texture on a 3D polygon without
> } decompressing it
>                       [ snip ]

This is true .....
but don't forget the gain achieved by reducing the disk to memory
bandwith required

just-need-bigger-disks'ly yours


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