Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:

>On Sunday 13 May 2007 03:52, Harald JOHNSEN wrote:
>>Now if the server is doing the
>>FDM computation it's obvious that there is no need to do that 120 times
>>per second because the data can not be send at that rate.
>>How many loops does the mp server need to do per second ? 10 ? 20 ? At
>>that frequency you could handle 100 clients with no problems.
>As far as I know, the FDM frequency controls the fidelity of the simulation.  
>It has no relationship with the I/O frequency.
If the server does the fdm 100 times per second and send the data 10 
times per second it's like if the client was running the fdm at 10 hz. 
That's why I said it's not needed to run the fdm at more than 10 hz 
(those numbers are just examples).

>Since the FDM takes so little CPU power, the amount clients that can be served 
>should be dependent on the bandwidth.

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