On Fri, 2010-07-30 at 09:38 +0200, Durk Talsma wrote:
> On Thursday, July 29, 2010 11:11:39 pm Dave wrote:
> > Yes, I hadn't realised that when I made the suggestion, I mistakenly
> > thought we were only discussing the attempt at intelligent AI traffic.
> > 
> > It would be a shame to lose the ATIS, especially now it's working again
> > following the sound changes.  What I propose to do is to remove all the
> > AI traffic stuff from ATCDCL, leaving just the ATC code, and then
> > re-enable it at compile time by default.  The AI traffic is where all
> > the crashes originate from, and this would leave the frequency lookup
> > and ATIS working until they are ported to the new ATC system.  I've
> > discovered that my Wife's laptop has a 3D card, so I should be able to
> > remove the AI stuff and test it.
> > 
> As an alternative, I would suggest that we try to port the ATIS feature over 
> to the new system. In my earlier mail, I implied doing that; I'm sorry if 
> that 
> didn't come across.  (Having an ATIS that is integrated with the AIModels 
> based system has several additional advantage, such as better integration 
> with 
> the slowly but steadily emerging ATC system for AIModels/Traffic manager 
> traffic, and others). I'll have a look at what I can do this weekend.

I have been thinking about ATIS (and all queued messeges for that
matter) but I think that using OpenAL's queueing mechanism would be a
good idea since it offloads the burden of compiling message samples from
small sound files to OpenAL where you just add another small sound file
to the queue.

Let me think about it some more an maybe I can come up with a good
Queueing extension to the soundmanager.


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