On Fri, 2010-07-30 at 09:49 +0200, Erik Hofman wrote:

> I have been thinking about ATIS (and all queued messeges for that
> matter) but I think that using OpenAL's queueing mechanism would be a
> good idea since it offloads the burden of compiling message samples from
> small sound files to OpenAL where you just add another small sound file
> to the queue.
> Let me think about it some more an maybe I can come up with a good
> Queueing extension to the soundmanager.

Alright, the initial version is now pushed to git.
The idea is the following; you'll have to create a new SGSampleQueue
class and use the add() function to add samples to the queue:

SGSampleQueue *queue = new SGSampleQueue( 8000 ); // frequency

queue->add( buffer1, len1 );
queue->add( buffer2, len2 );
queue->play( true ); // play looped

All samples added to the queue should have the same frequency and
format. The SGSampleQueue class is derived from the SGSoundSample class
and reuses most of the code.


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