Hi all!

> Martin wrote:
> Does anyone know how to have the random trees without all this .... ?

In Effects/trees.eff, comment out/remove line 23.

If you would like to use the dialog to toggle the trees, you'll also need to 
gui/dialogs/rendering.xml and comment out line 200 to 202:

The Material Shaders options was meant (as far as I understand it) to disable
all shader stuff with a single click. When the checkbox is checked, one an 
what shaders need to be enabled, via the other checkboxes.

The problem right now is that some of the shaders (eg. the reflection stuff and 
lightmap) only depend on that single "Material Shaders" property. It would be 
better if every single shader can be en/disabled via its own property/checkbox.

But then we might end up with a pretty large rendering dialog...

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