On 1 March 2012 12:30, Reuben Thomas <r...@sc3d.org> wrote:
> On 1 March 2012 02:26, Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> wonderful. so, in 5 years (put less if you want) i can be sure that my
>> app can run on every machine on any browser,
>> and i don't have to put "update your browser" warning.
> No, because in 5 years' time you will be wanting to do something
> different, and there will be a different immature technology to do it
> that hasn't yet been implemented on every machine. And of course
> there's a serious chance the browser will be on its way out by then
> (see how things are done on mobile platforms).
> 10 years ago we'd've been having the same conversation about Java.
> Today Java is still very much alive, and lots of people are getting
> things done with it.
> 5 years ago Flash might've been mentioned. Ditto.
Yeah.. all of the above resembling same cycle:
  initial stage - small, good and promising,
  becoming mainstream - growing, trying to fit everyone's needs until eventually
  turning into walking zombie - buried under tons of requirements and
standards and extensions.
And i bet that JavaScript will not be an exception.

Now if you take things like tcp/ip. How much changes/extensions over
the years since first deployment of it you seen?
The only noticeable one i know of is introduction of ipv6.

>> As to me, this language is not good enough to serve at such level.
>> From this point, it is inherently not complete and never will be, and
>> will always stand between you and your goals.
> If you're sufficiently determined, you'll manage to get nothing done
> whatever the technology on offer.
Oh, i am not arguing that we have to rely on what is available.
Just wanted to indicate that if www would base on simpler design
principles at the very beginning,
we would not wait 27 years till javascript will be mature enough to
simulate linux on it.

> --
> http://rrt.sc3d.org
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Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.
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