BGB wrote:
there is also, at this point, a reasonable lack of "industrial strength
scripting languages".
there are a few major "industrial strength" languages (C, C++, Java, C#,
etc...), and a number of scripting languages (Python, Lua, JavaScript,
...), but not generally anything to "bridge the gap" (combining the
relative dynamic aspects and easy of use of a scripting language, with
the power to "get stuff done" as in a more traditional language).

What could you possibly mean by "industrial strength scripting language"?

When I hear about an "industrial strength" tool, I mostly infer that the tool:
 - spurs low-level code (instead of high-level meaning),
 - is moderately difficult to learn (or even use),
 - is extremely difficult to implement,
 - has paid-for support.

If you meant something more positive, I think Lua is a good candidate:
 - Small (and hopefully reliable) tools.
 - Fast implementations.
 - Widely used in the gaming industry.
 - Good C FFI.
 - Spurs quite higher-level meaning.

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