The entire effort to lift software development to a level beyond today's 
institutionalized approaches reminds me of a quote from Alexis de Tocqueville…

"… Such is not the course adopted by tyranny in democratic republics; there the 
body is left free, and the soul is enslaved. The master no longer says: "You 
shall think as I do or you shall die"; but he says: "You are free to think 
differently from me and to retain your life, your property, and all that you 
possess; but you are henceforth a stranger among your people. You may retain 
your civil rights, but they will be useless to you, for you will never be 
chosen by your fellow citizens if you solicit their votes; and they will affect 
to scorn you if you ask for their esteem. You will remain among men, but you 
will be deprived of the rights of mankind. Your fellow creatures will shun you 
like an impure being; and even those who believe in your innocence will abandon 
you, lest they should be shunned in their turn. Go in peace! I have given you 
your life, but it is an existence worse than death."

It's not enough to find a better way.  To effect lasting benefit, one has to 
make it a POPULAR way.  And that, sadly is not the province of reason, but of 
whim and fashion.

Prima facie, the current popularity of Objective C as a programming language 
owes nothing to its feature set and everything to the fact that it is required 
in order to program for the iPhone or iPad.


-- Mack

On Mar 13, 2012, at 11:09 AM, Alan Kay wrote:

> But we haven't wanted to program in Smalltalk for a long time.
> This is a crazy non-solution (and is so on the iPad already)
> No one should have to work around someone else's bad designs and 
> implementations ...
> Cheers,
> Alan

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