Jay Freeman has also released his Wraith Scheme for the iPad.

On Mar 14, 2012, at 9:17 AM, Jecel Assumpcao Jr. wrote:

> Alan Kay wrote on Wed, 14 Mar 2012 05:53:21 -0700 (PDT)
>> A hardware vendor with huge volumes (like Apple) should be able to get a CPU
>> vendor to make HW that offers real protection, and at a granularity that 
>> makes
>> more systems sense.
> They did just that when they founded ARM Ltd (with Acorn and VTI): the
> most significant change from the ARM3 to the ARM6 was a new MMU with a
> more fine grained protection mechnism which was designed specially for
> the Newton OS. No other system used it and though I haven't checked, I
> wouldn't be surprised if this feature was eliminated from more recent
> versions of ARM.
> Compared to a real capability system (like the Intel iAPX432/BiiN/960XA
> or the IBM AS/400) it was a rather awkward solution, but at least they
> did make an effort.
> Having been created under Scully, this technology did not survive Jobs'
> return.
>> But the main point here is that there are no technical reasons why a child 
>> should
>> be restricted from making an Etoys or Scratch project and sharing it with 
>> another
>> child on an iPad.
>> No matter what Apple says, the reasons clearly stem from strategies and 
>> tactics
>> of economic exclusion.
>> So I agree with Max that the iPad at present is really the anti-Dynabook
> They have changed their position a little. I have a "Hand Basic" on my
> iPhone which is compatible with the Commodore 64 Basic. I can write and
> save programs, but can't send them to another device or load new
> programs from the Internet. Except I can - there are applications for
> the iPhone that give you access to the filing system and let you
> exchange files with a PC or Mac. But that is beyond most users, which
> seems to be a good enough barrier from Apple's viewpoint.
> The same thing applies to this nice native development environment for
> Lua on the iPad:
> http://twolivesleft.com/Codea/
> You can program on the iPad/iPhone, but can't share.
> -- Jecel
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