But we haven't wanted to program in Smalltalk for a long time.

This is a crazy non-solution (and is so on the iPad already)

No one should have to work around someone else's bad designs and 
implementations ...



> From: Mack <m...@mackenzieresearch.com>
>To: Fundamentals of New Computing <fonc@vpri.org> 
>Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9:28 AM
>Subject: Re: [fonc] Error trying to compile COLA
>For better or worse, both Apple and Microsoft (via Windows 8) are attempting 
>to rectify this via the "Terms and Conditions" route.
>It's been announced that both Windows 8 and OSX Mountain Lion will require 
>applications to be installed via download thru their respective "App Stores" 
>in order to obtain certification required for the OS to allow them access to 
>features (like an installed camera, or the network) that are outside the 
>default application sandbox.  
>The acceptance of the App Store model for the iPhone/iPad has persuaded them 
>that this will be (commercially) viable as a model for general public 
>distribution of trustable software.
>In that world, the Squeak plugin could be certified as safe to download in a 
>way that System Admins might believe.
>On Feb 29, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Alan Kay wrote:
>Windows (especially) is so porous that SysAdmins (especially in school 
>districts) will not allow teachers to download .exe files. This wipes out the 
>Squeak plugin that provides all the functionality.
>>But there is still the browser and Javascript. But Javascript isn't fast 
>>enough to do the particle system. But why can't we just download the particle 
>>system and run it in a safe address space? The browser people don't yet 
>>understand that this is what they should have allowed in the first place. So 
>>right now there is only one route for this (and a few years ago there were 
>>none) -- and that is Native Client on Google Chrome. 
>> But Google Chrome is only 13% penetrated, and the other browser fiefdoms 
>>don't like NaCl..... Google Chrome is an .exe file so teachers can't download 
>>it (and if they could, they could download the Etoys plugin).
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