> Building Fop with JDK1.2 does not work at the moment.
> The problem is the method java.awt.Font.createFont(..) which
> is used by the AWT viewer for displaying truetype fonts and
> is avaible first since JDK1.3.
> So what should we do?
> 1) Declare that Fop needs JDK1.3

I'm +1 for this but I can bet that's not very popular. We had a little
uproar when JDK 1.1 support was killed. I wonder how many people are
still working with JDK 1.2. It's a relatively big step from 1.1 up, but
not from 1.2 to 1.3.

> 2) Remove truetype font support from AWT viewer

That will also be rather unpopular, I think.

> 3) Compile Fop with JDK1.3 (which will be done anyway)
> and state in the release notes that compiling with JDK1.2
> and using truetype fonts in the AWT viewer does not work.

Probably the best for the moment. I don't know if some conditional
compiling is doable. If yes, it probably won't be very maintenance

Other voices?

Jeremias Märki

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