Hi Glenn,

Thanks for the background information ;-)

>From you first message I had the impression that you wanted to keep
using that tool for future documentation, which I don’t think is the way
to go. If only because we don’t have write access to that site and can’t
update your doc with our own comments and suggestions.

While your patch is being processed, it would be good to progressively
transfer what’s already there to the FOP wiki; And write new
documentation directly on the FOP wiki. There’s no rush in it, it’s
going to take some time to process your patch anyway.

You said you also used git; now that would be something useful to us if
we had access to it (or at least the history of commits). That would
allow us to follow the progression you undertook, which isn’t as easily
done with a patch.


Glenn Adams wrote:
> on a personal note, perhaps I should add that I've been writing code for 40
> years, and am nearing 60 myself, so i'm not quite as nimble as some in
> making transitions, especially with dev tool chains... :)
> g.
> On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Glenn Adams <gl...@skynav.com> wrote:
>> i am using a combination of tools from codesion on this project...

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