
At 09:51 AM 1/10/2003, you wrote:
You're running FOP from the command line, so you won't have any chance
to influence the setting of the logger yourself. You can only use the -d
option to set the logger to DEBUG level. But what you see here is
probably a bug in 0.20.4. Have you tried 0.20.5rc already?

Actually, I'm not currently having a problem. I copied cmd line output from my last successful run of FOP. That was merely one of the lines output when I executed the -d option in the command line.

So, are you saying that since I'm running from the command line, I can't set up the logger? Does the logger show anything different from what I get with -d?

FWIW, I've tried 0.20.5rc and have found the output almost identical with the current version. One exception is that it seems to run about 30%-40% faster now (!):

** FOP-0.20.5rc **
[DEBUG] Initial heap size: 2678Kb
[DEBUG] Current heap size: 6424Kb
[DEBUG] Total memory used: 3745Kb
[DEBUG]   Memory use is indicative; no GC was performed
[DEBUG]   These figures should not be used comparatively
[DEBUG] Total time used: 7431ms
[DEBUG] Pages rendered: 4
[DEBUG] Avg render time: 1857ms/page

** FOP-0.20.4 **
[DEBUG] Initial heap size: 1909Kb
[DEBUG] Current heap size: 6033Kb
[DEBUG] Total memory used: 4124Kb
[DEBUG]   Memory use is indicative; no GC was performed
[DEBUG]   These figures should not be used comparatively
[DEBUG] Total time used: 12468ms
[DEBUG] Pages rendered: 4
[DEBUG] Avg render time: 3117ms/page

It's interesting to note that 0.20.5rc requires more "Initial" & "Current" heap size, but used less memory. It also appears to shave off 1260ms (40% savings!). Keeping in mind that this is a Release Candidate and that things could change (not to mention release date! :-), but this certainly bodes well...

Other than speed, I haven't noticed any changes since the previous version personally (what do you guys do with all of your time anyway? :-). Seriously, though, I've been using only JPG & GIF files, so I haven't needed the functionality of JAI & JIMI yet. I'm also looking forward to ENCRYPTION options.

BTW, I noticed this in the Release Notes:

This is the last planed release in the 0.20.x series (aka maintenance branch).

Does this mean the next version(s) will move to 0.30.x?


On 10.01.2003 18:43:02 Clay Leeds wrote:
> Howdy,
> This question isn't specifically aimed at Jeremias, although he made
> reference to the logger, which prompted this question:
> Is there some sort of newbie tutorial where I could learn how to enable the
> logger on Windows, RedHat Linux and/or AIX? I've spent many a moment trying
> to figure out how to use the logger, but to no avail. I run Windows 2000
> Pro, Linux RedHat & AIX (I'm just a user of the UNIX/Linux boxes, and not
> administrator, but I can have admins install/configure stuff for me).
> I've seen logger net set errors every time I run FOP from the command line
> in Windows:
> [ERROR] FOP 0.20.4
> [DEBUG] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
> [ERROR] Logger not set
> I think I could learn a lot about the FOP process if I could see a log.

Jeremias Maerki

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- Clay Leeds
- Web Developer

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