On 03 Jun 2009, at 15:29, nancy_b wrote:

Hi Nancy, Vincent,

First of all, thank you a lot for your explanations!!!

...the reason was to make the Jeuclid plug-in work more out of the box...

Well, actually, the change mentioned by Vincent is not yet in 0.95. The FOPropertyMapping in that branch still uses "sans-serif" as an initial value for font-family (see: [1], search for 'font-family') The change in question was committed to Trunk only (over a year ago, see [2]), and the reason was to make font-selection-strategy work on fo:character without requiring any intervention from end-users. If you insert a fo:character with a codepoint that is only available in Symbol, then FOP Trunk will automatically choose that font-family, without requiring the author to explicitly set it. FOP 0.95 indeed still shows the 'missing' glyph '#' as Nancy describes further on.


So, it seems this change cannot be the cause of the warnings in this case. For 0.95, the only possible explanation is the presence of explicit combinations bold/italic + Symbol/ZapfDingbats. Note that most (if not all) of the font-related properties are inherited, so the weight/style property is very likely inherited from the parent FO or another ancestor.

I checked on my system - I don't have the Jeuclid plug-in on my system
(should be in /lib directory, right?).
Does it come by default with FOP or its a separate utility?

It is a separate plugin, and can be downloaded at Sourceforge:

I also tried customizing the fop conf file:

         <font-triplet name="Symbol" style="normal" weight="bold"/>

As Vincent already noted, not sure what the intended effect is. The font-triplet is supposed to be a child of a font-metrics element.

See: http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/0.95/fonts.html#register

The warnings completely disappear, but when I try to use a Zapfdingbat
character in my XML (for example, &#x260E; - for a phone icon), # appears instead. Does FOP find Zapfdingbat font at all? If not, why doesn't show the warning?

As mentioned above, this means that FOP is using another font for that character, which lacks a glyph for that Unicode codepoint. Since the ZapfDingbats family is not used, no complaints there (yet in 0.95).

I can only suggest undoing all the changes above. Apparently, they are causing confusion somewhere.

I'm afraid I know very little of Docbook, but based on what you mentioned earlier, maybe it's possible to force the weight/style using xsl:params 'symbol.font.style' and 'symbol.font.weight' (? long shot)

If the warnings are really a deal-breaker, then FOP Trunk offers one very easy enhancement to substitute the fully resolved triplets at runtime, and map bold/italic to normal for the Symbol and ZapfDingbats fonts:



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