On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 2:14 PM, Dorneles Treméa <dorne...@tremea.com> wrote:
> from his recent work on Canonical, I'm sure Sidnei has some great
> insights to share here, don't you Sidnei? :-)

We've been using YUI, so Y.Test as the test framework. We run tests
manually in the browser when debugging, but for automated unit tests
we use JsTestDriver from Google to drive the tests, save output to XML
then report failure/success back to Python's unittest by parsing the
XML. There's a little bridging needed to get the tests registered with
JsTestDriver, but not terrible. JsTestDriver ships with a version of
jQuery, but might not be the same you guys are using. There's another
test runner coming up, YETI, but it might be YUI-specific.

For functional tests, we're using Selenium2, which is alpha-something
IIRC. It's *way* better than Selenium1. We're using the webdriver API
(remote webdriver and Firefox, on local machine), and it's Good
Enough, just forget about recording tests in the browser and saving
them - at least for now. One way or another, writing tests manually
isn't that hard once you get the idea, and produces better, more
concise tests, specially if you have to match elements with CSS
classes or XPath.

The Launchpad team is using Windmill. From the amount of groaning I
hear over there, I would avoid it at all costs.

It is possible to run headless tests with both Selenium2 and Windmill,
under xvfb-run. Pretty trivial actually.

Forget about writing a ton of tiny tests though. I would say
functional Selenium tests should be end-to-end, massive use case
tests. Because they take a long time to run. If you think Plone tests
take a long time, think again. ;)

-- Sidnei
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