<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40036 >

William Allen Simpson wrote on Jan 23, 04:01 (-0800):
> Martin Rubinstein wrote:
> > When saving, (playing standalone, all other players AI), data appears to be 
> > lost.
> > Latest time government type reverted to Despotism from Monarchy
> You mean the government was Monarchy at the beginning of the turn and
> changed to Despotism?  How do I reproduce?  Please attach before and after
> savegames to your reply.

This usually happens when the client dies. Then the server continues to run
for a short time, aitoggles the human player and produces a last all AI
savegame. This appears in top of the savegame list when you restart the
client. Since AI switches often government to despotism, thats what you'll

At least this is my wild guess ;-)


Christian Knoke            * * *            http://cknoke.de
* * * * * * * * *  Ceterum censeo Microsoft esse dividendum.

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