Arkady V.Belousov escreveu:
>>> In that case, you probably want "disable wheel" to be the
>>> default, too, as disabling the wheel improves compatibility
>>> quite a bit.
> AM> I 100% agree.
AB>      I think, this is important only for PS2, where wheel support is 
AB> and unreliable. In serial protocols (MS+wheel, LT) disabling wheel gives
AB> nothing.

This is a fragment of a statement exclusively about PS2. So yes, only 
for PS2

> AM> The proble is two fold: first it causes compatibility
> AM> problems, sencond there is *very* few programs around that would use it
> AM> anyway and it would be logical that *these* programs have instructions
> AM> to activate it.
>      Alain, talking about disabling/enabling through command line
> completely, API doesn't have (yet?) functions to enable wheel support.

What I said and some people agreed is to *change the default* to 
whatever is more compatible.

>>> So the above 3 types "talk Microsoft" unless you press or release
> AM> YES i have made it for 1.6b, all MS Logitech are intercangeable on the
> AM> fly. I still use that version because all my improvements were
> AM> disregarded :(
>      Not all. :) But code of handlers was hardly changed in those times,
> and there was also target to minimize resident part size as much, as
> possible, whereas "autoswitch" may have own side effects. For example, with
> autoswicth we not know (can't know) how much buttons currently attached
> mouse have or if current mouse have wheel or not, and this makes useless
> checking BX after INT 33/0000 (should always contain 3 for serial mice) or
> bit 0 of CX after INT33/11 (will/should always be set). And, if some app
> wish to change its behavior depending on presence 3rd button/wheel in mouse,
> then such app's behavior change will be invalid if there attached
> 2-button/non-wheel mouse.

I DISAGREE. No discuttionon that matter because *have it working* so 
everything else is vain philosophy.

And a little history on that matter: Arkady and I startet working at the 
same time from the same version 1.6. Arkady was not willing to add my 
changes into his version, I was willing to do it when he released the 
stable version but after many years it never happend.

>>>> "auto decision" may cause "mystic" middle button state changes
>>>> and wheel rotations. I remember, there WAS some troubles with
>>>> middle button in my initial experiments (or this was troubles
>>>> with MSM protocol? don't remember precisely...).
> AM> What I can tell is that Cutemouse 1.6b can use ANY serial mouse and
> AM> switch ON THE FLY from ANY serial mouse to ANY other mouse.
>      Including MSys? I remember we discuss reinitializing UART for different
> speed (this need, there is no possibility in general to work with some
> common speed for MSys and LT/MS protocols).

Inclusive MSys, just any serial mice with 2 or 3 buttons with wheel or 
not (wheeel not working). And yes there is on-the-fly uart reprograming, 
just not the baud but other things (bits and parity).

> AM> 100% tested
> AM> in the field when serial mice where commmon.
>>> releasing it once to get the driver back in sync. But maybe
>>> there are other protocols where for example "LR encodes a M
>>> toggle" is used to get along with only 3 bytes...?
> No. There was idea for it support, but it was excluded after some
> testing.

Please don't get too philosophical about button numbers, wheel and byte 
numbers. I just used some very dirty tricks, it usualy is resynched 
after very few packets and *never* an extra click is generated.

> AM> remember that changing mice was
> AM> very common before the advent of modern
> AM> optical ball-less mice.


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