I downloaded the demo Vision Edit from the site below, and was able to patch 
the overlay VED.OVL after downloading bp7_tpl.zip from Alexei A. Frounze's site 
alexfru.chat.ru and running FIX_CRT.EXE.

FIX_CRT takes a more drastic approach than the better written alternatives like 
TPPATCH.  Files patched by FIX_CRT are left without a functioning Delay() 
routine at all!

Marcos -- You're right -- It's not compressed.  But it is a weird one!  The 
error message:
   Runtime error 200 at 0259:00c3
does not end with :0091 like it usually does with Turbo Pascal 7 programs.  
TP7P5FIX won't catch it, and TPPATCH won't patch it.  On the other hand, 
TESTMODE.EXE fails with the more usual runtime error 200 ending in :0091, and 
TESTMODE is patchable by the better written TPPATCH.  This could have to do 
with different versions of Borland compilers, or with the fact that the CRT 
routine is in the overlay instead of the executable.

Vision Edit runs fine in my (somewhat slow) emulator, so if you haven't already 
you might want to give the "slowdown" programs a chance.  Vision Edit fails with
   Runtime error 200 at 0259:00c3
on my Pentium 4 at 2.8 MHz.

 - - Shane

> Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 13:30:17 -0500
> From: rugx...@gmail.com
> To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] Keyboard issue
> Hi,
> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 8:06 AM, Marcos Favero Florence de Barros
> <fav...@mpcnet.com.br> wrote:
> >
> > This is just an update on the keyboard issue, i.e., I'm not
> > asking any questions this time.
> >
> > I tried TP7P5FIX (v1.01) and also TPPATCH, but neither of them
> > worked with my two programs that have the Borland runtime 200
> > bug.
> >
> > Because the instructions said that the EXE might have to be
> > decompressed first, I tried that too, with two EXE decompressors,
> > UNP (v4.11) and CUP386 (v3.4). Apparently none of the two
> > EXE files was compressed.
> >
> > So perhaps we should call off this whole effort. As I said, I can
> > easily live without Vision Edit.
> The vendor is still active in other areas (Organizer Pro), and they
> still (barely) have a page for this product. You should probably
> contact them directly. Maybe they know of a proper fix (or can help
> find one).
> http://www.primasoft.com/ve.htm
> But it's possible that the "fixes" weren't ever meant to scale to such
> huge amounts (gigahertz). So they may not work properly on newer
> machines. Who knows, maybe it's already "fixed", and that's why no
> further fixes can find anything to patch. It might require some manual
> debugging.
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