On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Marcos Favero Florence de Barros
<fav...@mpcnet.com.br> wrote:

>> Another you might find of interest is TPE , the Turbo Powered
>> Editor.  It's a freeware offering from Brian Foley at TurboPower
>> software, based on a couple of different Borland components.
>> One interesting feature is that it can swap most of itself out,
>> leaving only a stub in memory, when you shell out to perform an
>> operation.  Info about it is here, with a download link to the
>> TextEditors repository.
> Thanks for the suggestion :-)
> I downloaded and installed it.

You're welcome.  I found it by chance, installed it under FreeDOS, and
said "Whoa! This is neat!"

It lacks the TurboVision interface, but that's likely not a concern
for the audience it's aimed at.  I was especially impressed by the
"swap itself out of memory when you shell out", to leave more headroom
for things like compilers.

Under a  virtual memory OS like Windows of Linux, you don't need that,
but it's a neat solution under DOS.

> Marcos

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