Selma Singer wrote:
I don't think it works that way, Brad.

I don't think a woman who would practice the manipulative and power-oriented
business practices prevalent would be the same person who would understand
how to change the workplace to be more humane, or perhaps even understand
what was humane or not.

I had a just slightly different example from personal
experience in mind.

When I was "at Yale", I had a sociology teacher: Robert M Cook,
who founded a radical local political party in New Haven
and ran for mayor, etc.

He said to me that, had he understood what he was doing
when he was doing what he had to do to get his PhD,
he wouldn't have been ablke to do it (not because it was
immoral, bur because it was meaningless but stressful).

We know that
there are some persons who "get their credential" and
yet retain a sense of constructive values after they
have "paid their dues", so that they can do some real good.
I believe the reason people have to "pay their dues"
is so that, by the time they get in those positions of
power, they want mothing more than to punish the
next generation ("kick the cat"), since they still dare not
offend their elders and still betters, but they are now
in the middle of the food chain, not at the bottom.

Things work the way they work, or, as a friend of mine
said to a person who had dinked his car door and the
person said "It's only a car" -- my friend punched
the person in the jaw and explained "It's only a jaw".
Darwinean evolution does not always only hurt
good creatures, even if it usually does....

We can aspire to a better form of "non violent
resistence" than just letting ourselves get run over by

\brad mccormick

  Let your light so shine before men,
              that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

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