Feasgar math, a h-uile duine:

    Ciamar a tha sibh a nochd?  Tha mi gu math, ach beagan sgith.  Am
faca sibh a'  ghealach feasgar seo?  Bha i mór, soilleir, uamhasach
       How are you-all tonight.  I'm fine, but a little tired.  Did
you-all see the moon this evening.  It was big, bright, and very

    Rinn sinn còmhradh air "thinking" anns an coinneamh na Gaidhlige seo
chaid.  Am biodh fear sam bith a' mineachadh gnìomhairean "measraich",
"smaoinich", "saoil", "meòraich" agus "creid", ma 'se du toigh le. 
Chaid sinn am bhreislich gu fior.

    We were discussing "thinking" at the last Gaelic meeting.  Would
anyone explain the verbs ". . ." please.  We got really confused.  (If
this turns out to be a horrible big job,  please accept my apologies,
and maybe someone could just point me toward the information.)


Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada-----http://www.gadallah.com/~leslie

   Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine glic a leasachadh
      A blockhead can find more fault than a wise man can mend 
             --Gaelic proverb
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