Hi Teresa.

The reason more complex games get talked about in terms of replayability is because theoretically, the more complex the game is, the more random factors can be intorduced when you play.

Take a trivia game for example. I have completed Jim kitchin's harry potter trivia and enjoyed it, however now I have seen all the questions. I'm not going to get a new challenge next time because I'll get the same questions again. Of course, the more questions you include and the longer it'd take you to get through a trivia game, the more replay there is (something like Freerice has close to unlimited replay).

the same goes for fps games. In a game like Swamp, the zombies position is randomised, as is that of the items. You don't know what your going to run into from game to game, so you can always expect things to be a little different, and that's not counting the extra maps etc. With an rpg game likee King of Dragon pass, because there are so many more factors in the game to randomise there is much more chance of giving the player a new experience with something unexxpected.

Now I'm not personally one to knock playing games for atmosphere. I've played through The Nightjar and will do so again, heck i've even played through chillingham and Grizly gulch about three times each and Terraformers twice, however the problem is with all of those games I now know where everything is, everything is the same the first time as the last time, there are no alternate routes, different enddings or things to change. If I replay them it is just! in the same way I would watch a film or read a book again, for atmosphere and experience and not for the explorationn and unexpected challenge that I'd get from playing an actual game like Swamp.

That is the issue with replay and why it tends to be associated with more complex games, ---- although i'd personally argue something like the choiceofgames are replayable at least a few times simply by nature of being choice based gamebooks and giving you different options, ----heck, the short gamebook "a bad week for King MElchion the dispicable" over on Fighting fantasy project, once I'd played it through once I then spent an additional hour seeing all the different ways the story could go, ---- many of them highly unique.

Beware the grue!


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