Hi Phil,
Yeah, man power is a major factor why as developers something like the 
GMA engine is necessary. Even as a programmer I can't afford to code all 
my games by hand. That is why I began the Genesis 3D Project. Genesis 3D 
when completed will allow me to create several FpS games just by using 
the level editor and game designer program.
However, because it is me creating the game engine I can't add every 
feature I want into my engine either. I imagine the first few versions 
of the engine are going to be rather limited in some ways, and because 
Genesis is designed ot do FPS that will likely be its main style of 
game. Though, I have looked at making a 2d side-scroller version of it 
for games like Mysteries Of the Aztecs.

Phil Vlasak wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> If there was a better game engine out there than the GMA engine, I would use 
> it.
> The GMA engine works fairly well even though it is almost ten years old.
> PacMan in its original arcade design was intended to be repetitive with the 
> same maze on all thirty or so levels.
> It is like walking around your house, you know where the doors and rooms are 
> so you do not have to think about them after a while. The ghosts are the 
> random element that changes from level to level.
> I planned my Harry Potter game to somewhat match what was on each floor of 
> the Hogwarts castle so there was some reason to have the floor plan similar 
> on some of the floors.
> But with David and I being only one person per company, we can not compete 
> with commercial game companies that hire hundreds of people to design each 
> game.

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