I wander about the usagames engine then.
Even those of us current and previous testers that are close with tom don't 
even know what that is.
At 07:22 a.m. 12/03/2008, you wrote:
> Hi list.
>I just thought i'd throw in my views about the gma game engine.
>Personally I think the gma game engine is fairly limited in what it can do, 
>I mean any games made with it, bar different sounds are just about the same, 
>I mean None of the games made with it have full 3d movement, you can't 
>crouch or jump.
>And no disrespect to pcs games here, but packman talks is basicly almost 
>like sod and its quite repetative this seems to be a feature of all games 
>made with the engine, I mean who wants to play through 30 levels of the same 
>old stuff?
>Tank commander is an ok game but it still suffers from fairly limited replay 
>Its a shame James north never finished his game engine as it sounded like it 
>would have been really good. I don't think the engine considering the price 
>david greenwood wants to charge for people for it is worth anything like 
>what he asks for it. 
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