Hi Charles,
Well, keep in mind that was a ball park figure, a good guess on my part, but I believe David Greenwood said at one time that Shades of Doom 1.0 had sold a little over 200 copies. If you do the math 200 games times $35.00 each is $7,000.00 USD give or take a few for rounding. Then, he also mentioned to me that he had sold about 40 games after releasing version 1.2. That's another $1,400.00 USD on top of the money he made for 1.0. The grose income therefore is about $8,400 for that one game, and I have missed a few as I'm going on memory and not exact figures here. So I place the full potential of that one game somewhere between $8,000 and $10,000 as i figure it. That's not a bad income for an accessible game, but it is still less than minimum wage if we consider that a person's years income for a single product. As I said before that will certainly help pay off some credit cards, a nice down payment on a car, you can buy a new computer, things like that, but it is not any kind of income you can live off of by any means. Plus you have to consider any costs like sounds, music, special licenses, taxes, etc that will reduce your actual take home pay considerably. So if a game does well it isn't very good pay at all as you could get a job at McDonald's and make more. That's the sad truth of it.

Charles Rivard wrote:
Now I'm curious. What game made, maybe, 8 to 10 thousand bucks? I wonder if I have it? Thanks.
In God we trust!

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