Hi Dark,

Sigh....Yeah, I understand where you are coming from, but why do I
have to be the person to set the example? Why does it absolutely,
positively, have to be this game? Why can't I just create the game I
want, and do a side-scroller later if you so desire it so much?

The reason I'm feeling a bit pressured here is this. Back at Halloween
time I was looking into creating a Castlevania clone. It was to be a
2d side-scroller with all the bells and wissles you are talking about.
 I've still got plans to do that game in the future so I don't think I
have to set the example with Mysteries of the Ancients, and some day
some time I'll probably put out a few good side-scrollers to tap that

The thing is that Mysteries of the Ancients is and has always been a
clone of the Tomb Raider games. Those games are almost exclusively 3d
third-person shooters with the exception of the 2d platformers for the
GBA and other handhelds. When I think of Mysteries of the Ancients I
can't help but compare in my mind my game to those games, which set
the example for me, and that is what I'd like to emulate.

If the community really wants a side-scroller then perhaps I should
come up with something else totally different and save my Tomb Hunter
games for future development. I'm sure I can come up with some simple
2d side-scroller affair with Mario trying to get through the African
jungle where he beats up on Donkey Kong. Ok, I am joking there, but
you see what I mean. Writing a 2d side-scroller isn't hard, but that
has to be the intent from the beginning rather than take a 3d game
like Tomb Raider and adapt it to a 2d enviroment. It is this aspect
that so turns me off.


On 12/31/11, dark <d...@xgam.org> wrote:
> Hi Tom.
> that is true, and I certainly wouldn't say that audio 3D is even up to what
> other indi developers are doing in 3D today.
> it's just that where as there has been at least an attempt at audio 3D
> games, the jumps in monkey business,, the head hight fireballs in
> technoshock, there hasn't even been a vague attempt at a true 2D game.
> Yes, I agree an audio 3D tomb hunter would be a good thing and I'd love to
> see such a game, but I think there is a danger in people believing that
> superliam and Q9 are representative of what a side scroller is, especially
> sinse many first off developers are creating side scrollers as bgt example
> games, and it would be nice to have a true! accessible side scroller to tip
> the balance.
> Beware the grue!
> Dark.

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