Hi Charles,

The indoor helicopters are too small to be flown outside, the wind
will often cause them to crash, and the reason is because they are
pretty small. The indoor models are not much bigger than a man's hand,
roughly speaking, and are maybe 6 inches long and the propeller on top
is about six to eight inches in diameter. Like I said they are pretty
small and aren't big enough to handle a lot of air current or wind so
they have to be flown indoors.

As for flying them you can here them flying around so if you have a
good idea where walls, doors, lamps, and things are you can usually
avoid them. Although, I've misjudged that stuff a time or to and
crashed my son's indoor helicopter into lamps, walls, doors, windows,
and things like that plenty of times without any serious damage to
either the helicopter or whatever it ran into.


On 12/22/11, Charles Rivard <wee1s...@fidnet.com> wrote:
> Just curious:  Indoor helicopters?  I would think that any flying craft
> needs a lot of space.  How big are these helicopters?, and how do you
> navigate without smacking it into walls or ceiling without looking?  It
> sounds like interesting fun!
> ---
> Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.

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