I'm afraid I do not agree there clemment.

In a fighting game it is not just necessary to memorize ten or 15 sounds, but also know how those sounds correspond to specific moves.

For instance take Rufus "Messiah kick!" in street fighter 4.

Is it a ground kick or an air kick? what is it's level of attack? where and when should you block?

It is not simply a matter of memorizing the phrase but of understand the properties of the move that phrase belongs to, which can only be done with a faq.

With an audio game, you are told those properties exactly within the game, or indeed those properties become apparent from the game audio.

For instance, when i first played Q9, I did not! listen to all the creature sounds, sinse I wanted a surprise. It was however obvious from the position audio what I was coming to and that these were things that needed hitting. "messiah kick" however does not reveal it's nature in audio, because the audio statement of it's name is only an after thought to a sighted player, they can instantly and without any shadow of doubt see! what nature of move it is.

This is why the effort betwene a blind person and sighted person are not the same. In an audio game, sounds are chosen for their representative quality, up to and including the point that sounds are so representative they may not be necessary to explain, where as in a mainstream game sound is only a partial afterthought stuck in for effect.

Then of course, considder that in an audio game when sound memorization is necessary, the sounds have been chosen! to be distinct enough to memorize.

Look at Mortal Kombat deadly alliance when virtually every character had the same male or female voice actor, ---- or even games like the soul calibur ones where some characters are played! by the same voice actor.

then of course, lets not forget those 3d adventure modes, ridiculously menue heavy character creation and story modes, and all the other fun stuff that beat em ups come with these days.

Though the arcade mode may be playable, what about the rest?

I'm also afraid you did not understand my point about learning japanese.

i do not despute the fact that learning japanese would be harder than learning a sighted game menue. I only stated that where as it would be physically possible! for an English language speaker to become equally proficient in Japanese to the point that the effort required betwene a Japanese speaker and an English speaker was the same, this is not true of Blind vs sighted gamers.

A sighted gamer will always! be able to go through menues more quickly and easily than a blind person, however good atmemorization you are, simply because they! don't have to memorize anything whatsoever.

That is why the bockerano debuken case is not really relevant to the disability arguement of mainstream games.

Beware the grue!


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