
Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> For what it's worth, I do not have any problem with nice, but out of
> date, screenshots being on www.gimp.org - for example, we had a lot
> of screenshots from the 1.1 series on www.gimp.org before the
> migration. In fact, devel screenshots are a great way to get people
> building the HEAD.
> I don't know when it became policy to only have screenshot from
> stable versions on wgo - but I'm against that policy.

We discussed this before doing switching to the new web-site. IMO it
is essential that tutorials and screenshots on www.gimp.org
consistently show the current stable version since that's what the
site is all about.

The screenshot section on developer.gimp.org exists exactly for the
purpose of getting people to build the HEAD branch. IMHO the
screenshot section on www.gimp.org should have a link to the
development screenshots but it should show the stable version only.

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