I am trying to use "gap" but I have problems with "xanim". From the addresses given by "gimp" only loki exists, from which I download "xanim-loki". But "gimp" delivers this error:

-------------- quote -------------------
An error occurred while trying to call xanim:
The xanim program on your system "/usr/lib/xanim2801-loki
does not support the exporting options Ea, Ee, Eq
--------------- un quote --------------------

In Google I found, in "twocows", another "xanim" version but "gimp" delivers:
-------------- quote ----------------
An error occurred while trying to call xanim:
The xanim program on your system "/usr/lib/xanim2801
does not support the exporting options Ea, Ee, Eq
-------------unquote ---------------------

I looked in Google but without exit.

Any help on what I should do will be greatly appreciated


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