> I wish to achieve the effect to add a deep pucker on the skin,
> I knew it's difficult to express what I wish to have, thus here is
> attached a picture of sking with no pucker and a picture sking with a
> "pucker". Have a look at the screen you can also correct my expression
> (actually, I am not sure at all of pucker is the right word).

At first glance it looks like a simple issue, just to use some plug-ins.
Look deeper into it it's isn't simple.. Seems to me there are two
options there:

     1. Copy half of the sking, paste into a new layer with
        trasnparency, use IWrap on both layers (the "move" method), move
        both layers towards the 'pucker', make smart use of alpha
        channel and drop-shadow effect. This is too difficult to create
        something that really looks like 'pucker'.
     2. Use the displacement map filter, as I was suggested through a
        private email from the list. The problem is lack of good
        methodology to create approciate X/Y Displacement Coefficient
        layer. Whatever I create, it just doesn't look like.

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