You wrote on Son, 26 Mär 2000:>Hello there.
>I don't know, if my question is suitable for this forum - but here I go.
>I have a Photo-smart scanner (fro HP), attached to an Adaptec 2940AU
>SCSI-controller, and it works just great under GIMP/xsane.
>Then I have bought me an flatbed-scanner too, and I was told that it was
>a SCSI-scanner, though it had to use it's own controller (an ISA-thing)
>- it works under windoze, but the Linux/GIMP/xsane won't recognize it.
>In the sane-mustek.5 man pages, they state that ".... ncr810 based cards
>are known to work fine ..." I don't know much about SCSI, so I woud be
>happy to know, if others has experiences with that particular scanner
>and other types of controllers, or knows where to by such a card,
>because I have tried a lot of shops here in Copenhagen/Denmark with
>negativ result. If anyone knows, if it is a matter of termination/cable
>combination betwen the two scanners, that can solve my problem, then I
>really would apreciate that.

I too have a mustek scanner (MSF-06000SP) with it's own SCSI ISA-Card. It
works on my adaptec2940 -- but: the scanner blocks the bus while scanning
and therefore stops all other scsi-transfers ...  So I installed the isa
card.  (I was able to make the scanner available under windows with the
adaptec, but don't know wether I needed another driver -- though nowadays I
only use linux with gimp and xsane for scanning, windows was too buggy with
memory and harddiskspace :-))

BTW: to see what SCSI-devices are present:
cat /proc/scsi/scsi
shows an ordered list of all scsi controllers and there devices.

To use the isa scsi adapter you have to configure your kernel with the
appropriate module 'generic NCR5380'

This modul can be loaded on demand with 
/sbin/modprobe g_NCR5380.o ncr_addr=0x280 ncr_irq=254
The card has no interrupt!

Sane works with the scanner through the generic SCSI-interface
(/dev/sg[a-z])  To get the right character for your scanner you can count
the devices in 'cat /proc/scsi/scsi' "a, b, c, ..."  then for convenience
provide a link '/dev/scanner -> /dev/sgg' (for example)

Because the SCSI-card packaged with the scanner wasn't seen by the bios
normally it is the last in the series of SCSI-adapters so the scanner
normally is the last scsi device.  You have to be careful with other scsi
devices switched on or off -- this can change the order and therefore
change the generic device.  If you use an EIDE based system and only have
SCSI for your two scanners you have to be careful about how many of them
are available.

You can start your computer with the scanner(s) switched off, switch them
on by demand and establish the kernel modul as shown above. THEN (and only
after loading the kernel module) think about the right device (it can be
/dev/sga or /dev/sgb if you only have your two scsi scanners) and THEN
start xsane, or gimp.

Ah, and for termination: SCSI bus has two ends!  If you only use internal
or only use external devices the adapter is one end and has to be
terminated (some automatic and some by hand in the SCSI bios -- the card
that came with the mustek doesn't have any internal plugs).  The last
physical scsi device on one end of the bus has to be terminated -- not the
one with the highest ID!!!

Say you have your one scanner as the only device at the outer plug. Then
this scanner has to be terminated.  Then you choose to connect your other
scanner.  Remove the terminator and connect the other scanner (doesn't
matter what port -- if your cable fits in).  Then the newly connected
scanner has to be terminated.  For scanner you can use passive terminators.
Active ones only make sense with "real" scsi devices like harddisks.

Hope this helps

--                                    --
right now the web page is in german only
but this will change as time goes by ;-)

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