[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2000-10-17 at 1813.20 +0200):
> > http://sketch.sourceforge.net/
> Yes, but now I remember why I never got to install sketch. It's a mess to
> get to work! I requires python (no worries, I have that), but also PIL,
> some python-library to work with images. I couldn't get PIL to compile
> properly, and at least didn't immeadeately find a binary package of it, so
> sketch fell on that too...
> Too bad. Anyone can guide me?

I compiled PIL some time ago without problems. But dunno what can go
wrong with your machine.

OTOH, I have heard about an app named Sodipodi (or similar) that is
GTK+ (GNOME?) based, and that does vector drawings. Maybe you could
give it a try.


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