Am 15.05.2013 13:56, schrieb Jan Engelhardt:
> On Wednesday 2013-05-15 13:26, Jens Lehmann wrote:
>> but I believe "Packdatei" would be a much better translation (especially as
>> the translation of "pack(verb)" is "packen"). I find it natural that a file
>> with the extension ".pack" is named Packdatei
> While it's spoken Packdatei, the way to actually write it is
> .pack-Datei or ".pack"-Datei.

I actually had the '-' in there too until I tried to look up "Zip-Datei"
in the Duden. While I don't get the leading '.' (I cannot remember having
seen that anywhere, AFAIK the file extensions are always used without the
dot), I'm not a grammar expert and will be fine either way.

>> extension ".zip" is a "Zipdatei" (known by the Duden)
> If that's how Duden specifies it, it's time to call wrong upon Duden.

Go ahead: ;-)

>> Yup, im my experience "committen" (to commit), "einchecken" (to check in),
>> "auschecken" (to check out) und "taggen" (to tag) made it into our daily
>> German language use. To avoid e.g. having past tenses look strange (like
>> "committet")
> Not so strange. We have other words with -tet.
> bitten -> erbittete -> habe erbittet.

That example was not the best, what about "wenn Du das mergest(?)" (if
you merge that), I cannot really say how to write that correctly (as in
German we would want to drop the last 'e', right?). All that goes away
when we use "Merge" as a noun: "wenn Du den Merge machst". But again,
somebody else might come up with a grammatically correct solution for
that I'm missing.
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