Since, I tend to lurk and not come to meetings much, let me do a quick
intro. I'm Nikki, also involved with the Ubuntu LoCo project and have been
lurking around GNHLUG for about over a year (and I've been to a couple of
CentraLUG meetings). By trade, I'm a theme (web) developer, specifically
specializing in Drupal theming. Most of my contribution to the open source
community in general has been in the form of documentation, answering new
user questions, and just in general advocacy and spreading the word to
people who don't know. Outside of my sphere of work, I don't develop, and I
don't really consider myself anything other than an average user who isn't
afraid to tinker with things and fix them myself if I need something

Not with the intent to be rabbelrousing at all, but one of the reasons why I
*personally* haven't been very involved with GNHLUG, either on the mailing
list or in attending meetings is because most of the topics that I've seen
being covered aren't in my realm of interest or are  beyond my skill level.
Excluding last Sunday's BBQ, I've only been two meetings in the past year.
One was on Drupal, the other was on activism...  My dissapointment has been
in the fact what I've observed with GNHLUG in the past year is that there is
very little offered by the group as a whole for brand new users and
non-developer users.

Like Arc, my vision for what an Ubuntu SIG (or any other distro specific SIG
for that matter) is more of a support group for new and less experienced
users, which would be a demographic that is most likely to be asking distro
specific questions and needing distro specific support, and it would get
these new users involved with a communtiy.

I can certainly see this need for this in my own life. My husband has had
quite a bit of sucess in the past three months of convincing family and
coworkers to try Ubuntu, and while I'm thrilled about this...  when it all
of the sudden feels like your phone has turned into the "How do I do X in
Ubuntu?" hotline, you find yourself strongly wishing for a group to which
you can refer your friends for support.

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