On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 11:31 AM, Federico Mena Quintero <feder...@gnome.org
> wrote:

> On Wed, 2011-02-23 at 16:34 -0500, Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote:
> > While the close operation is common, it's not frequent, and therefore
> > might not require visual representation on-screen all the time.
> Huh, I use the Close button pretty frequently.  I guess I'm still
> scarred from when Esc didn't work in every dialog by default.

Me too.  I don't do file->quit since it's a lot easier to access the close
button.  But not all apps behave the same unfortunately.

> > Both the application menu in the top bar and the close buttons in the
> > overview are well discoverable. Right now, the application menu has
> > one Quit option, and the user actually needs to make a decision
> > whether they want to fully quit the application with all its windows
> > before going for that option. Having both Quit and Close Window (if
> > applicable) options in that menu would inform the user of the choice
> > they have and allow to use that feature as the central way of closing
> > a window or an application.
> My main problem with removing the Close button is a combination of
> things:
> - The Close button is relevant to a single window.  It's nicely *in* the
> window right now.  Your proposal would put it far away from the window
> (thus losing context), and would make it not immediately visible (you'd
> need to open the app menu first - probably discoverable, as you say, but
> far from obvious).  My experience with non-technical users (say, my
> wife) is that if they don't see something on the screen, they won't know
> that that something is actually available.

There are some apps where using the "quit" button won't make sense.
 Terminals being the foremost one.  I believe for gnome-terminal they are
still using the same factory so a quit on terminal it remove all terminals,

As a new user I think I would feel pretty intimidated if I got a bunch of
windows that didn't have a close button.  It would require some training for
them to use the other method because just about every other UI out there
uses a close button and is an established UI.  Combined with the fact that
there are exceptions like the terminal, I think that would lead to some

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