Yes, and at this point, it may be a completely new gaming engine.  HL has
lived a long life but the new games coming out from other developers (still
no TF2 from Valve) will start w00in HL players over and at that point, HL
will become a classic game like the vintage Doom or Castle Wolfenstein. =\

Until then, players will continue to enjoy HL based MODs while looking for
something that is just as fun, if not more.  With better graphics, sound,
built-in anti-cheat features, better dedicated servers, etc...  Yes, there
will still be many loyal HL players like Starcraft still has today.

Nonetheless, everything must come to an end, and the glory days of HL have
been gone for awhile now, IMHO.

I really doubt that someone will be able to pick up where PB left off.  They
are correct in the fact that they need to build in some stuff directly into
the HL client and HLDS.  At least some hooks to where they can work off of.

For some odd reason, Valve does work very slow, or simply doesn't implement
some of the suggestions for modification to their code.  A group of us have
extended the HLDS launcher and even provided Valve with the code to add into
the SDK and make the extra command line parameters a permenant solution.
Here we are several patches later and we have to still modify the latest SDK
and recompile a new HLDS executable with the new command line parameters so
our external admin utilities can function properly.

For at least over a year now, Valve has suggested that we send them the
suggestions and code via email to several individuals.  We've done that, and
haven't heard anything.  A patch is announced in the works and we ask
whether what we sent them would be implemented to only get back a "sorry,
no".  I'm sure Tony has experienced this in the past as well with whatever
he needs for PB to move forward.

If some of you are not aware, even the AdminMOD creator Alfred has been
working with Tony on PB.  I'm pretty confident that if they say they can't
move forward with some help from Valve, I would take their word for it.
Many of us developers don't ask for monetary compensation either.  It would
be nice to be offered something in return.  After all, many of us have
extended the HLDS freely and even on a much higher scale than their in-house
staff that actually get paid.

Anyway, I can't blame Tony and the rest of PB to move on.  HL has provided
us with years of great gaming for our original $40-50 that we can't even
begin to complain.  But, I have to admit, that I too have been in search of
the next great gaming engine and game that'll take FPS online gaming to the
next level.

(BTW, this doesn't mean that I'm pulling out of all HL development projects,
it's just that I konw and plan for my projects to have the ability to adapt
to future games.)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Sharon Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 3:06 AM
Subject: Re: PB no more.....

> someone else is bound to take up where they left off anyways.

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