Nobody is arguing the merits of putting hard work into building a
community. However, not everyone is going to dedicate a lot of time to
it, or has the large friend network or knowhow to promote a new
community. Does this mean that they dont 'deserve' to start one? It
certainly doesn't justify using underhanded methods, but the point is:
If valve provided more tools to help promote communities to players
(such as my server browser idea), more communities (and more good
ones) would exist, and that's good for the players, too!

Arguing about whether community building is some kind of right or
whether you should 'have to' work for it is stupid. The argument in
this case is that valve should help communities a bit more, because it
would make them easier to start, which could help everyone. This ties
into fake players: If players are more encouraged through steam to
'belong', they're more likely to hang out with/affiliate with a
community rather than just join random pubs all day, and suddenly fake
player spam is less worthwhile, and players have a better experience.

I don't really disagree with anything Richard has said, it's just not
really the point (i think) karl is trying to put forth.

> The current problems that exist aren't due to lack of tools, nor are they
> due to the idea that the lack of them has forced you to turn to illicit
> tactics which has jaded the players.  What's jaded the players is server
> operators who feel that they are entitled to something.

Why does the point of this have to be arguing about whose fault it is?
"Valve shouldn't improve the user experience because server operators
screwed it up, not them" That's great for being all on your
principles, but shitty for players.

- Neph

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