Ads didn't always used to be a problem, and why do community servers get
the rage for ads when Valve has used them too? Pinion was used for official
valve servers before. They gave Arthur a special forum rank and I've seen
posts from Valve higher ups defend the use of Pinion.

If a community has to use ads to survive, maybe it's not doing too well.
But Valve used them as early as everyone else. Can't get mad at the kids
for following the dad's example right? Plus if a player comes on and just
hates that community, they can venture to a different one.

We're going to wind up breeding new players who don't want to explore the
world that the players made inside of the game.

On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 5:54 PM, Robert Paulson <>

> You may disagree but you are simply plain wrong. People cheating the
> server browser is still rampant and it goes on without any ads. There is a
> way to monetize players connecting to a server that is never going away.
> And that is premium status.
> The more you keep beating this dead horse, the more you fill the mailing
> list with gibberish that Valve simply doesn't care about.
> "If the problem had simply been the handful of those "paytowin" or
> "premium" operators, Valve could have simply blacklisted them and solved
> the problem (there were never very many server operators selling "premium"
> pay2win stuff anyway).."
> That is more likely to be the problem than the ads. As mentioned over and
> over again, the ads issue was completely solved by completely blocking them
> when people connected through quickplay. To borrow your own words, if the
> problem had simply been ads, then why didn't they do exactly what you said?
> It is really easy for them to simply remove HTML motd for everyone instead
> of a subset of players.
> It seems like you've never reported a server before. Valve took over 3
> months to ban 100+ server communities using fake players such as
> elitepowered. That is how much they don't want to bother cleaning the
> server list. They don't even want to spend 30 minutes a week, let alone a
> month, doing what needs to be done.
> And there was a time when Saigns was on quickplay and they never got
> banned because their modifications were never explicitly mentioned in the
> quickplay document. And they probably don't want to track down every
> server that has instant respawn without the tags. Because they only way you
> can verify this is by playing on each individual server.
> Having quickplay default back to community servers after a few hours isn't
> asking them to change it back to how things were. New players
> are guaranteed to know what a "vanilla" experience is.
> On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 2:24 PM, E. Olsen <> wrote:
>> Sorry, I disagree.
>> As long as there is the possibility of monetizing the simple act of a
>> player connecting to a server, it will (and was) be abused incessantly.
>> When all you need to do to generate revenue is get a player to connect,
>> then there is no incentive for you to build value for that player - all
>> they are to you is an ad impression.
>> If the problem had simply been the handful of those "paytowin" or
>> "premium" operators, Valve could have simply blacklisted them and solved
>> the problem (there were never very many server operators selling "premium"
>> pay2win stuff anyway)..
>> Of course - maybe I'm completely wrong and Valve thinks MOTD ads are a
>> wonderful idea. In truth, no one can say definitively WHY Valve took the
>> action they did a couple of years ago, because THEY never said why they did
>> it - only that it was getting "bad" for players.
>> I have my theories, and they may or may not be correct....but I think
>> simply asking for Valve to "change it back" to what the settings had
>> previously been is a proven non-starter. If they thought it was bad before,
>> simply changing it back does not address whatever they perceived the
>> negative issues to be.
>> However, if we continue to present them with viable alternatives that can
>> bring more equitable treatment to community servers, then perhaps we'll
>> eventually hit them with an idea they'll like.
>> On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 5:07 PM, Robert Paulson <>
>> wrote:
>>> I don't know how many times this has to be said....... Why the hell
>>> would ads be the issue if the motd was already blocked for quickplay,
>>> months before Valve blocked community servers from quickplay?
>>> Every time someone whines about ads it lowers the chances of valve ever
>>> removing the community server ghetto.
>>> The community with the most servers and players is now Saigns, a
>>> community that is famous for pay2win and fake players that NEVER HAD ADS
>>> now has all the players because they turn AFK players into bots to trick
>>> people into thinking the server is filled. While this is happening, you
>>> really want to keep beating the dead horse of ads? The issue was and always
>>> have been bad owners doing bad things. You still have people running
>>> instant respawn without tags and stop the tank on community quickplay, and
>>> doing so without ads.
>>> A simple and good solution that doesn't require major UI change has been
>>> proposed many times. Simply switch the quickplay default to community
>>> servers after a few hours of gameplay. If community servers were really as
>>> bad as Valve considers them to be, then people will switch back. If they
>>> want to improve the community server pool, then all they have to do is
>>> actually spend 30 minutes out of their week actually banning servers that
>>> break the rules. That is, if they don't trust players to vote with their
>>> feet.
>>> ----
>>> PS: To anyone else who thinks workshop maps feature is worth a shit: No
>>> one gives a shit about being able to load maps from the workshop when
>>> people have been downloading maps from fpsbanana for the past decade. Valve
>>> wants people to start using the workshop so they can eventually charge
>>> people for mods like they did with Skyrim once fpsbanana dies out.
>>> On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 4:58 AM, Pat Stay <> wrote:
>>>> lol look at you. typical response paul, you are so predictable
>>>> -hides from addressing issues involving him and his actions on behalf
>>>> of his company that are in direct relation to the problem
>>>> -brings up advertising in this thread telling people not to blame it
>>>> for the problems, pointing to other things
>>>> -i state exactly how advertising combined with those other things
>>>> perpetuates the problem and how a large part of the community knows about
>>>> your shady actions
>>>> -you lecture me to stay on topic lol
>>>> -you use motdgd in the third person as if you are not Paul Lewis, co
>>>> owner and lead developer of MOTDgd
>>>> you and your actions are a significant part of the problem and those
>>>> before you, pinion, are to blame as well for allowing such negligence to go
>>>> on. Instead of actually doing your job and monitoring your clients
>>>> implementations, you sat back enjoying your fat stacks of cash while people
>>>> exploited known bugs. You specifically are partially to blame because your
>>>> company's only known direct affiliate happens to be one of the single
>>>> biggest culprits of the initial issue that brought us here. ive watched you
>>>> make subtle little comments every time advertising is talked about here in
>>>> a negative light, so please dont act as if you aren't here trying to steer
>>>> the topic away from ads every time it's brought up. Sure you have a couple
>>>> of servers no one cares about so you are entitled to be here, just like I
>>>> am. Take responsibility for your actions instead of hiding like a coward
>>>> you degenerate thief.
>>>> On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 6:35 AM, Pat Stay <> wrote:
>>>>> Sure, we can stay on topic
>>>>> >Paul via
>>>>> <>
>>>>> 2:49 PM (15 hours ago)
>>>>> >
>>>>> >to Half-Life
>>>>> >Need I remind you, or anyone else, that ads weren't the sole problem.
>>>>> The big problem was some large server farms sending false player
>>>>> information to the master server, and servers not following quickplay 
>>>>> rules.
>>>>> by this you must mean your affiliate partner who used to run 150 tf2
>>>>> idle servers that exploited false player information to no end and farmed
>>>>> ads for your company motdgd. dont sit here acting like your shit ad system
>>>>> wasnt part of the ongoing problem. people could farm 30,000 ads from you
>>>>> per day using fake identities and text mode. but you knew that being a tf2
>>>>> community owner. so essentially you're right, its not the ads themselves
>>>>> that are the problem its the people like you serving them fraudulently 
>>>>> then
>>>>> hiding behind some dead link email address trying to veer the topic away
>>>>> from advertisements so no one knows you are one of the scumbags behind the
>>>>> problem
>>>>> On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 6:11 AM, Paul <> wrote:
>>>>>> How about we stay on topic here?
>>>>>> On 4 September 2015 at 10:42, Pat Stay <> wrote:
>>>>>>> >Paul via
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> 6:47 AM (22 hours ago)
>>>>>>> >to Half-Life
>>>>>>> >Fact is I don't believe they care anymore, mostly motivated on ways
>>>>>>> to make more profit than community support :(.
>>>>>>> irony, brought to you in part by the thieves of motdgd
>>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 6:37 PM, Alexander Corn <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'm getting them as well, just set up a filter in Gmail to route
>>>>>>>> those messages to the trash.
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 6:33 PM, Paul <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Apologies for going off topic, but I keep getting spam from
>>>>>>>>> different emails from someone called 'Amy Happy' via this mailing 
>>>>>>>>> list.
>>>>>>>>> Other than unsubscribing from this mailing list or changing email 
>>>>>>>>> address,
>>>>>>>>> is there any way I can stop this spam mail being sent to me (I assume
>>>>>>>>> others here are getting these messages to from her)?
>>>>>>>>> On 3 September 2015 at 21:41, Ross Bemrose <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> There are a few things added even just recently that are aimed
>>>>>>>>>> squarely at community servers.
>>>>>>>>>> One big example of this is the Map Workshop.  Valve servers don't
>>>>>>>>>> use the map workshop... it exists solely to make it easier to run a
>>>>>>>>>> community server without needing to host maps on your server (or Fast
>>>>>>>>>> Download server).  It may have taken 3 months, but it looks like all 
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> bugs have finally been ironed out of it.
>>>>>>>>>> Even minor things like changing the passtime cvars so that they
>>>>>>>>>> aren't marked as cheats were done for community servers.
>>>>>>>>>> Does this make up for separating community servers from official
>>>>>>>>>> Valve servers?  Probably not.
>>>>>>>>>> As for the business model, it's pretty clear why QuickPlay was
>>>>>>>>>> introduced into the game if you look at *when* it was introduced.  
>>>>>>>>>> Valve
>>>>>>>>>> servers and Quickplay were introduced in the Uber Update, the same 
>>>>>>>>>> update
>>>>>>>>>> that made the game free to play.
>>>>>>>>>> In other words, it was introduced as a hook to get people to play
>>>>>>>>>> the game and spend money.
>>>>>>>>>> It wasn't really a surprise to anyone who used QuickPlay that
>>>>>>>>>> Valve eventually changed it to default to Valve servers... people 
>>>>>>>>>> already
>>>>>>>>>> explained the reason why further up the thread.
>>>>>>>>>> It's also not a surprise that Gun Mettle contracts are restricted
>>>>>>>>>> to official servers.  If they weren't, some enterprising person 
>>>>>>>>>> would write
>>>>>>>>>> a server script that duplicates the actions needed to award points 
>>>>>>>>>> and just
>>>>>>>>>> use it to farm from a ton of accounts, which would in turn drive 
>>>>>>>>>> down the
>>>>>>>>>> value of economy items.
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 3:05 PM, ICS Staff <>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> 2005, community servers were first party servers, there were no
>>>>>>>>>>> Valve servers.
>>>>>>>>>>> 2014, community servers are 3rd party servers, Valve servers
>>>>>>>>>>> give you XP, drops from missions, players get directed only to Valve
>>>>>>>>>>> servers and community servers are in separate pool completely.
>>>>>>>>>>> What's next, you take away the drops too or are you really going
>>>>>>>>>>> to do something to keep us running servers or not? Too afraid to 
>>>>>>>>>>> have open
>>>>>>>>>>> discussion about the matter? Yeah, thought so.
>>>>>>>>>>> -ics
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*Matthew (Rowedahelicon) Robinson*
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