Pan Skorupka, I'm not sure whether I'm about to agree or disagree about FTP.  I 
use FTP as much as possible for file transfer, but I don't understand why a 
terminal emulator needs it built in:  What's wrong with just using Windows FTP 
and MVS FTP?  Which is maybe what you're saying.

One reason I like FTP so much is that IND$FILE can be so clunky if you have 
more than one or two files to transfer.  Most emulators provide a way to set up 
multiple transfers, but only manually - that is, I have to add each file to the 
collection, one at a time.  How is that better than doing the file transfer one 
at a time.  Unless I'm going to be doing the same transfers many times, of 
course, but that's never the case, for me.  What I really want is to set up a 
list of 40 or 50 filenames, and provide that list to the utility.  I can do 
that with native FTP.  I've done it for IND$FILE, too, but only by manually 
creating a multiple-file transfer containing three or four filenames, then 
analyzing the instructions it saved and writing a program that reproduced that 
proprietary format for my 40 or 50.  It's worth the trouble only when I'm 
starting out at a new client that doesn't support the mainframe FTP server, and 
I need to load my REXX tools.

So when you write "scriptable IND$FILE", my ears perk up.  Someone tell me 
more, please.

Bob Bridges,, cell 336 382-7313

/* are ever tempted to think that we modern Western Europeans cannot 
really be so very bad because we are, comparatively speaking, humane -- if, in 
other words, you think God might be content with us on that ground -- ask 
yourself whether you think God ought to have been content with the cruelty of 
cruel ages because they excelled in courage or chastity.  You will see at once 
that this is an impossibility.  -C S Lewis, _The Problem of Pain_ */

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Radoslaw Skorupka
Sent: Saturday, May 1, 2021 08:08

I don't care about ftp client. In fact I have never used a client delivered 
with PCOMM or Nexus. Reasons? a) ftp CLI is enough for me, b) there are plenty 
of ftp clients, some of them quite sophisticated like Filezilla.

However I much appreciate PCOMM features related to IND$FILE. Not very clear 
for newbies, awfully translated to Polish, but really useful and last but not 
least: scriptable! There are simple SRL (text) scripts for mass unload/upload.

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