1. Pure confirmed. YMMV.
2. Pure observed everyday, YMMV.
3. It depends on many factors, including openspace, which I hate. YMMV. Note, sometimes poeple cannot work as "lonely wolf" the have to cooperate with other folks. If your task is 100% to be done by you with no interactions, then you can pefrom it everywhere, including your garden or bathroom. But what it it's not?

The above (and below) are not my imaginations, I've been a manager for 20+ years, used to manage folks onsite and telecommuting as well, so I based my €0.02 worth opinion on my (and not only mine) experience. Of course a devils is in the details, people's characters, office organisation, cultural factors (being in US many times I observed people in the coffee point behave somewhat differently, I cannot describe it exactly, but I feel it), etc.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 2017-05-25 o 15:44, Steve Smith pisze:
1. Purely imaginary.  Besides being too random to be useful, those
"meetings" are about family, dogs, and favourite comedies.  Business
interaction is often better facilitated with electronic communication (see
your #3).
2. Purely imaginary.  You cannot "see" much of anything.  A manager's job
is to get results, not to baby-sit (monitor) their team.  If the manager
hires people who need to be constantly supervised, well then, that's on the
3. Agreed.  Every office I've worked in was apparently designed to prevent
me from concentrating on anything.  I'm far, far more productive in my
quiet, distraction-free home office.

I also liked going to the office (mostly), and seeing everyone.  But I was
able to actually work maybe 50% of the time there.


On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 2:57 AM, Radoslaw Skorupka <
r.skoru...@bremultibank.com.pl> wrote:

Well, it is not my company, so let's leave the decision to the owners and
managers they hired.

However if it was my company I would demand to be present in the office.
Some well justified exceptions apply, but mostly temporarily, and everytime
final decision would belong to managers, not employees.

1. Meetings at the coffee point (and other places) is very big opportunity
to exchange ideas, thoughts, opinions.
2. It is much easier to see and control how the emploee spends a time - is
he really busy as declared? No timesheet replace it.
3. Some people do work more effectively when they have no external
"disturbants" (a dog, neighbour, postman, favourite comedy on TV...)

BTW: most of my co-workers claim they absolutely prefer to work in the
office, with the team.
BTW2: multi-site office is still better than home working, We do have good
video-chat systems for in conference rooms, except personal a/v equipment
in every PC.

My 0,02€

Lodz, Poland

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