In article <> you wrote:
> >>But you are happy to constrain
> >>32-bit applications to 2 GiB when all you may
> >>need is a LOC=32 parameter and you can go
> >>all the way up to 4 GiB.
> > No, you also have to run AMODE(64), which means that there are many 
> > system services that you cannot use without switching to AMODE 31.
> That is true, of z/OS, currently.
> There are two solutions to this problem:
> 1. Add 20 lines of code to each system
> service so that they switch to AM31
> themselves instead of requiring the
> program to do it itself.

And how many lines of code to each system service to move the parms into
the first 2G? And don't forget that many parms are just pointers to 
more areas that must be moved as well. AM64 isn't an easy port and
"32-bit programs" don't make it any easier. 

> 2. Construct the 32-bit program so that
> whenever it is about to execute a system
> service like READ, it switches down to
> AM31 itself.

And insure your own parms are in the first 2G (or even below the line,
for some services.)

64-bit is here. It's here on Windows, it's here on Linux, it's here
on z/VM, it's here on z/TPF, it's here on z/OS. I would _much_ rather
have IBM spend it's limitted resources dedicated to allowing more of
the OS to run 64-bit rather than create a Quasimodo, uh Quad-Modal...

Don Poitras - SAS Development  -  SAS Institute Inc. - SAS Campus Drive           (919) 531-5637                Cary, NC 27513

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