On Tue, 8 May 2018 07:19:41 -0400, Don Poitras <sas...@sas.com> wrote:

>> 1. Add 20 lines of code to each system
>> service so that they switch to AM31
>> themselves instead of requiring the
>> program to do it itself.
>And how many lines of code to each system service to move the parms into
>the first 2G?

None whatsoever. Mandate that the caller
is required to use LOC=31 or LOC=24
memory for parms, as is currently the case.

> And don't forget that many parms are just pointers to
>more areas that must be moved as well. AM64 isn't an easy port and
>"32-bit programs" don't make it any easier.

AM64 for 32-bit programs is not very hard, and
it is something that should be done regardless
for anyone developing 32-bit programs. ie
not assuming that the top bit of a 32-bit
register will be ignored.

>> 2. Construct the 32-bit program so that
>> whenever it is about to execute a system
>> service like READ, it switches down to
>> AM31 itself.
>And insure your own parms are in the first 2G (or even below the line,
>for some services.)

This is *already* the case for all 32-bit programs.
Nothing needed to ensure.

>64-bit is here. It's here on Windows, it's here on Linux, it's here
>on z/VM, it's here on z/TPF, it's here on z/OS. I would _much_ rather
>have IBM spend it's limitted resources dedicated to allowing more of
>the OS to run 64-bit rather than create a Quasimodo, uh Quad-Modal...

I am not asking for a quad-modal OS, I am asking
for AM64 to be supported to the maximum extent

BFN. Paul.

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