-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 1:34 PM
To: Imail_Forum@list.ipswitch.com <Imail_Forum@list.ipswitch.com>
Subject: RE: [IMail Forum] New Bugs in 10.01

This is the exact same message, albeit stated by someone else, that we hear
after every major release that creates more problems than it fixes.
As an end-user community we are simply getting tired of hearing more
promises that are never kept.
The problems stated in this morning's threat are add-ons to other problems
that have not yet been fixed.  Specifically, when you switched to version
10, you made the entire interface web based - requiring administrative user
permissions for anyone who has access to IMail setup and administration once
the product is installed.  That flies totally in the face of generally
accepted security procedures when it comes to secure servers and opens up
non-secure doors for attacks to the servers.
In summary, it appears as if Ipswitch is doing what so many other companies
are doing now - listening to the problems, putting them on a list, and then
never getting around to fixing them.  At least you haven't moved your tech
support overseas.  If you ever do that we will abandon the product . . .
Bruce Barnes
Chicago IL


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brad Senter
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 13:05
To: Imail_Forum@list.ipswitch.com
Subject: RE: [IMail Forum] New Bugs in 10.01

Hey guys…I appreciate your honesty and candor.  Let’s admit it: IMail made
some mistakes in the past.  There were some significant issues with the
product that created some even more significant issues for the end user.  We
took at hit for it as well.  Since that time we have been working hard to
create a solid email server with as many competitive features as possible.
Development is not an exact science – if it were then the market would
solely be driven by the person with the lowest overhead.  Since it is not we
(along with every other software manufacturer) are consistently balancing
product development, bug fixes, and innovation.   I am jumping in on this
thread to simply state that we are working hard to develop solid products,
maintain excellent customer satisfaction, and continue relationships with
customers that last a long, long time.  There are no initiatives in place to
take advantage of our customers or to discount their end user experience.
We know that our success is completely contingent upon customer
satisfaction.  Our entire team is dialed into that concept – from
development, to support, to sales and marketing.  Please accept our
apologies for any negative experience that you may have with our support
team.  And know, that we are committed to walking alongside of you to ensure
that your IMail Server is running smoothly. 


Brad Senter

Product Marketing Manager

Ipswitch - Messaging Division



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill Foresman
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 12:22 PM
To: Imail_Forum@list.ipswitch.com
Subject: RE: [IMail Forum] New Bugs in 10.01


I was too but it’s obvious that a lot customers have left for safer waters.
We’re a family owned hosting company and cannot afford the problems that
this software routinely comes with. I think ipswitch got too big to care
about its customers.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Travis Rabe
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:55 AM
To: Imail_Forum@list.ipswitch.com
Subject: RE: [IMail Forum] New Bugs in 10.01


Ya know Bill I used to be such a hard-line supporter (no jock strap jokes).
Of Ipswitch from version 4 on.  Back then this community was very large,
active, lively and impressive.  Over the years I have seen it wither away
and I have always told myself it’s them, not Ipswitch.  But I tell ya, after
this last incident I am really starting to get fed up.  Tech Support was
downright rude and offensive.  You would think that somewhere in there
customer files they would see “customer since Version 4” and realize that
“hey, maybe this schmuck of a customer knows what he’s talking about?”  But
nooooooooooo.  And now that I have taken time out of my days to help locate
and replicate the problem I get the equivalent of the middle finger in the
tech support world.


So now, I am wondering why I have been told to tell my users to (a) Not use
Outlook like they have been for 10+ years because Ipswitch can’t figure out
that 0-0=0.  The math they are using work out to be this: 0-0=9999.  Now I
don’t know about anyone else, but if 0-0=9999 then my wallet should be


Update – still no phone call from Tripp or Kevin.




[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill Foresman
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 7:44 AM
To: Imail_Forum@list.ipswitch.com
Subject: RE: [IMail Forum] New Bugs in 10.01


This is the main problem I have had with imail. The never ending “upgrades”
which cause further problems. We’ve learned that it’s best to stay on
whatever version happens to work and not bother upgrading or paying for the
SA. What a waste of money that was since you have to pay for software that
gets re-broken each version.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Travis Rabe
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:35 AM
To: Imail_Forum@list.ipswitch.com
Subject: [IMail Forum] New Bugs in 10.01




                I have recently upgraded to 10.01 and now really regret
doing so.  Version 10 was working great and I decided to upgrade to 10.01
due to the fact that web enhancements/fixes had been made.  After upgrading
to 10.01, the calendar web interface no longer works for many of my users
(the owners in particular).  I reported the problem to Ipswitch and even
found for them how to replicate the bug  (they insisted on some sort of
database corruption which was wrong).  I figured this problem would be fixed
straight away – I mean pretty serious when you just pay to upgrade to
Premium Unlimited and it was working in 10, breaks in 10.01.  I have just
been informed that my case has been added to “the database” and that they
will deal with it in time.


  I have been on Imail since version 4.  I have contemplated jumping ship,
as many others have since version 8/9 (laughable).  Tech support was not
only flat out rude, but to be told that my problem will be added to the
database is pretty much as insulting as it gets.  THIS IS SERIOUS.  YOU
10+ YEARS (the problem is with the syncing to WorkGroupShare).


  Also during the last week since installing 10.01 I have found a pretty
major bug that causes users who create rules in the web interface to start
deleting incoming mail in some cases.  This seems like a big one too, but I
haven’t had a chance to report it yet but it would probably get added “to
the database”.  The problem lies with the web interface handling special
characters.  This worked in 10.0, fails in 10.01.


  I would appreciate a phone call from someone at Ipswitch (not my tech
support person – not helpful).  In the past I have spoken with Tripp and
Kevin but I am not sure if they are even around anymore.  IN the past I have
even guinea pigged some patches for them and this is the thanks I get?  My
Case Ref is: 821-70831.  I will be waiting not patiently by the phone for
the next 1 ½ hours.


  Come on people!


Vice President, Technology
The Davidson Group


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