On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Chad Emrys <ad...@codeangel.org> wrote:
>  I just know the bigger culture of those who use PHP, and some of them are
> quite annoyed by the dismissive nature of the maintainers who are quite at
> odds to what the majority of the community want or needs.

As one of those people who "use PHP", after the first time googling
it, I haven't needed it. It's one of those things about the language
that's interesting.

If you're going to complain about how someone has to learn something
about another culture, why not take a step back and consider those
throughout the world whose native language is something other than
English have to try to translate what it does.

Also, as one who also answers other's questions (although not IRC,
because its my experience most people asking questions on there are
dbags), I find that complaints regarding PHP's ambiguity in naming
conventions and variable order (which is slowly being fixed, and is
greatly appreciated) far, far outnumber the complaints regarding
T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM. Actually, I never hear complaints about
T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM, just questions about what it is by people
who'd rather be told than find out for themselves. And, when they find
out, the answer is usually something like "Oh, neat."

And, what sort of cooperation do you expect to get when your first
line is "WTF is T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM?". That's akin to finding
multiple languages on your tax forms and exclaiming "WTF is this doing

Jack Timmons
Trollfree: 8503290326

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