Hi Chris,
On Feb 20, 2013 9:36 PM, "Christopher Jones" <christopher.jo...@oracle.com>

> My thesis is the other way round.  More people in the community need
> to become PHP core developers.  This is historically how PHP
> development has occurred, since nobody has idle time to adopt projects
> they are not 100% behind.

We have more new active contributors than ever before. Actually the top 5
contributors are here for less than a couple of years or even less than one.

> Increasing user involvement is easier (and more often) said than done.
> I'd prefer to see effort spent mentoring, rather than running surveys.

Having our user at large express their needs or opinion is about
contributing. It is actually the very first step to contribution.

> I do have a lot of reservations about a survey.  But if you do run
> one, I'm sure I'll look at the results.

I do not have a single doubt. Why? Surveys are one of many ways to get
feedback. They have no contracting values but give us some numbers about
one rfc or another. That may help us to focus on one feature instead of
another if we see a large number of users looking forward to it.


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