On 2/8/2018 8:48 PM, Ahmad Alawsie wrote:
> Hi all,
> So while I’m translating, I thought to myself that I can try and test
> the suggestion mode to see how it works and what can be improved...
> So in this instance where I suggest a word/phrase, the suggestion goes
> through and will appear as normal under the text field. However, it
> appears with an ‘x’ or tick, which seems to break logic. It just does
> not make sense for a user to suggest a word, and then have the ability
> to accept/reject the suggestion.
> As a translator, what I expected for the suggestion mode is that, if a
> user suggests a translated word/phrase, then it is only logical that
> the user cannot accept or reject their own suggestion. It would make
> sense, though, that they have the ability to edit their submitted
> suggestion/s, or delete it completely. I decided to test this
> ‘illogical’ function out and this is what it looks like:
Actually it is not illogical at all. My understanding is that that
anyone can make suggestions as a guest but all suggestions need to be
accepted or rejected by a registered translator. One of the permissions
that are granted to translators when they request a pootle account is to
be able to accept suggestions. That is why you were able to accept your
own suggestions.


> I submitted the suggestion (at the bottom of the screenshot), and as
> you can see, I am given the options to accept or reject the
> suggestion... yet it is my own suggestion. I accepted the suggestion
> and it now marks as 1 “accepted” on my profile (my username is
> skyray1). My profile can be seen in the screenshot below, with the
> accepted column marking 1 on the ‘Apache OpenOffice 4.x Help
> <https://translate.apache.org/ar/aoo40help/>’ row.
> The screenshot above now shows the number “1” after I had accepted my
> OWN suggestion. In my opinion, this needs to change, as for logic’s
> sake, users should submit suggestions for OTHERS to review, and not
> themselves.
> Kind regards,
> Ahmad A

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