Dear Arachne friends,

Maybe this will help too:

Before the invention of the color code, learning lace making was a slow
process. Thanks to the Bruges color code, this goes a lot faster.
The color code was developed shortly before the first world war in the
Bruges lace school and belonged to the lesson program.
Ever since the rise of the making bobbin lace as a leisure activity in the
sixties of the last century, the color code has gradually conquered much of
On the work schedule, which indicates the wire run, the crosses of the pairs
are indicated in a color that determines what kind of stitch should be made.
This has made learning lace making much simpler.
Anyone who has learned to read fluently the color code lacemaking during the
base year, can afterwards in a quick way learn a new kind of lace.
Each stitch, gimp, plait or tally has his own color. The lace maker only
must follow the work schedule and, thanks to the colors, knows what to do.

This is the color code used in Belgium and in a large part of Europe.

Green: half stitch
Purple: linen stitch
Red: double stitch
Yellow: gimp
Yellow in Cluny lace: Venetian plait
yellow leaf, square or triangle: tally
Orange: Dieppe stitch
Brown: twisted half stitch or enclosed pin stitch
Blue: plait
Turquoise: turn-over stitch

In tulle laces, the ground can be drawn in green, orange and brown. This
depends on the kind of tulle lace.
( texte Veerle Meersschaut)

Happy lacemaking.

Greet Rome
Brugge2018 vzw

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