Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2002 07:14:07 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] ct50/70 X config file

>Date: Wed,  6 Feb 2002 04:15:08 -0500
>From: "Clarence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >Clarence.... How did you go about installing Mandrake on your L70?
> >
>first I got my hands on a laptop-to-standard ide adapter for about
>5 bucks on ebay. I then installed from my cd-rom.

>From what Neil and others have described, this sounds the most painless 

>As for the rest of the config:
>run xf86cfg and click on expert
>screen: 120mmx90mm, default depth 16
>card0: Chips & Technology 65550
>monitor horz.frequency 31.5, vert 60
>run sndconfig
>Yamaha opl3sax2
>make sure the first dma is 1 and the second is zero
>go to /usr/src/linuc/pcmcia*
>follow the directions in the readme
>Setting up my pcmcia netcard took a bit of finnagling but I
>eventually got it to work (the 3com Megahertz card uses the
>3c574_cs module, in case you were wondering).
>Now I am in the process of tuning my setup so that is uses less
>memory and runs faster than windows did.

Heh.... getting back into Linux again is pretty intimidating to me.  The 
help files (read: man pages   ... ugh) aren't exactly the most user-friendly 
(read: non-programmer) things in the world.  I had a friend who lived and 
breathed Sun Solaris... but like a lot of people who just USE a WINDOWS 
machine... he was lost trying help me set up is copy of Redhat.  He never 
did like what we got set up, because the xWindows GUI was not like what he 
was used to.


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