Date: Wed,  6 Feb 2002 04:15:08 -0500
From: "Clarence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] ct50/70 X config file

>Clarence.... How did you go about installing Mandrake on your L70?

first I got my hands on a laptop-to-standard ide adapter for about 
5 bucks on ebay. I then installed from my cd-rom.

As for the rest of the config:

run xf86cfg and click on expert
screen: 120mmx90mm, default depth 16
card0: Chips & Technology 65550
monitor horz.frequency 31.5, vert 60

run sndconfig
Yamaha opl3sax2
make sure the first dma is 1 and the second is zero

go to /usr/src/linuc/pcmcia*
follow the directions in the readme

Setting up my pcmcia netcard took a bit of finnagling but I 
eventually got it to work (the 3com Megahertz card uses the 
3c574_cs module, in case you were wondering).

Now I am in the process of tuning my setup so that is uses less 
memory and runs faster than windows did. 


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